Tel: 07485 672 688

Working with Adults

I work using the Person-Centred Approach - which is based on the philosophy and theory of Dr Carl Rogers.
I work using the Person-Centred Approach - which is based on the philosophy and theory of Dr Carl Rogers. The fundamental belief of this approach is that every person strives for and has the ability to make the right choices for him or herself to be able to fulfil their potential. Sometimes, in life, it can feel like these choices are unavailable to us or blocked and we have become stuck or overwhelmed. This is where I, and counselling can help you.

It is a non-directive approach - this means that I believe that the person that knows you best and therefore the expert on your own life is YOU! And so I don’t give you advice or tell you what to do. But I do - listen to you, support you and work with you and together we discover more about what it is that is causing you pain and distress and through our series of sessions enable you to find a positive way to navigate a way through and find a deeper understanding.
Counselling is a talking therapy which offers you a safe, judgement-free space to talk about yourself and your life in confidence. You can talk about anything which may be causing you pain or distress or making you feel anxious or uncomfortable.

Sessions are usually once a week, on the same day and time each week, and last for approximately one hour.

Many people come for counselling for a wide variety of differing reasons including :

  • Stress – this can be linked to general life or work related or both
  • Anxiety – this can be panic attacks, social anxiety or generalised feelings of anxiousness
  • Depression
  • Feelings of low mood, low self-esteem, lack of confidence
  • Trauma
  • Eating disorders
  • Relationship difficulties – this could be divorce, marital problems, arguments, affairs, breakups,
  • Addiction
  • Bereavement, Grief and Loss
  • Abuse – this could be physical, verbal or sexual, current or historic
Within our first session, I will spend a few minutes introducing myself and talking you through the process of counselling and explaining how I work. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions and find out a little more about how the counselling process works, and also you can gauge how you feel about working with me.

As we move forward, through our series of sessions, we will look to explore your feelings further together, and begin to help you find a positive way forward that is best for you and your individual circumstances.
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